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Our oil ingredients and the main beneficial properties we chose them for are listed below. There are many many additional benefits just from their vitamin content alone. When we have a free month or so we can add the complete list of beneficial properties of each of our butters and oils.



Argan Oil:


Argan Oil has earned the well-deserved nickname “Liquid Gold" and is the best quality oil to use in beard oil.

Argan Oil  stimulates the growth of thicker, longer, and stronger hair. It maintains moisture and penetrates well eliminating "beard dandruf"
Helps prevent the breakdown of vitabmins and other beneficial ingredients in storage.
We selected it for its skin and hair growth and health properties.


Almond Oil:


Almond Oil is rich in healthy fats, fatty acids, and antioxidants, helps prevent skin blemishing, and reduces envrionmental damage from dryness and sun.
We selected it for its skin protectorants.


Sunflower Oil:


Sunflower Oil is rich in Linoleic acid, helps to maintain the skin’s natural barrier, supporting its ability to retain moisture. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is also effective for protecting skin against bacteria and germs. 
We selected it for it's anti-bacterial properties. 


Vitamin E Oil:


Vitamin E is one of the most essential oils for skin and hair health, that's why it's one of the key ingredients in all major hair and skin care products. 
It stimulates capilaries and hair folicles, supports hair growth, prevents breakage and split ends, prevents hair loss, and improves overall hair and skin health.
We selected it for it's multitude of proven benefits to skin and hair.


Jojoba Oil:


Jojoba oil is used in many skin/hair care products because it isn't actually an oil, it's an ester which is a component similar to your body's natural sebum.  It's the perfect "carrier" oil because your hair and skin will absorb it naturally and gain the benefits of our other oils in the mix.
We chose it for its transport and carrier properties.


Avacado Oil:


Avacado oil helps condition and soften skin and hair, and helps maintain moisture, prefending beard dandruff.
We chose it for its skin and hair softening and conditioning properties.


Rosehips Oil:


Rosehips oil is rich in Vitamin A, and had molecules that penetrate deep into hair and skin. This  works with the Jojoba oil to penetrate, and aborb, so all the benefits of our oils don't just stop at the surface.
We chose it for its ability to penetrate deep into skin and hair.

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Exponent Solution Providers
Oregonia Ohio, 45054



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Phone: 513.409.1998